When you explore the mysterious land of Vietnam on bikes it will definitely turn into one of your grand journeys. You can go for Vietnam Bike tours all by yourself or with a pillion. All the streets of Vietnam are similar to that of small streams and your bikes or cycle will feel like a boat that coast down in the river the only difference is it's a road and you are among the traffic waves. All over the rise, you will get many street side stalls to make small pit stops to have Vietnamese iced coffee or sandwiches. Vietnam or Mekong Bike Tours is going to be one of the rocking tours as this nation is one of the most celebrated cookery junctions in the whole world.

Now let's have a look at some of the major attraction of the place:
In 1954 when French departed, the first premier and president build an independence palace that is a manifestation of strength. The President at that time ordered to demolish the building when an attempt to assassinate failed. Then soon after that, new construction was started with a new name the Reunification Palace and it was started soon after the Saigon fall in nineteenth seventies. You must visit this place which is one of the great witnesses of several events.

Shops and Bars:
After a whole day of Mekong delta bike tour, you will surely wish to have a drink or visit some local shops. For that, you can go to some of the famous shops and bars present over there. The places are designed like story narrators with colourful roads that play a major part in the modern history of Mekong.

Food for both regular and adventurous eaters of Mekong Cycle tour
You may get surprised but Vietnam is quite famous for its culinary skills. The grub is not only tasty but also unique in several ways. Some of the dishes will certainly kill the appetite but you should never say no to anything without trying it especially when you are in Mekong Delta Bike Tours. Other than harvesting tropical fruits, you can involve yourself in seafood if you are into Kayaking Vietnam. There are several delicious food delicacies like fish noodles, grilled meat rolls and several other culinary delights.

So, stoke your desire to travel and mull over the pleasure of exploring a beautiful place!
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