Once, the people of Vietnam used the Ho Chi Minh trail, which is a nest full of roads and paths choked by jungles through mountains, for ferrying supplies during the disastrous war. Most of those couriers chose bicycles as the mode of transportation. Today, long after the end of the turmoil, travellers go for biking Vietnam Cambodia to get an intimate and up-close view of the nation. Though, only very few travellers get to complete the entire trail.

Sights to see
When you’re following the rocky trails of Vietnam, you come across forests and villages which open up before you like a book of cultures. Mountain biking Vietnam allows you to explore and travel through the off-beat locations. The paths are not at all traversed by the faint-hearted because it traces the ridgelines of mountains and crosses through small rural sites and the adjacent lush tiered agricultural zones.

For motorists
Not everyone likes the idea of toiling through the mountainous areas on cycles. For such travellers, there is motorbiking Vietnam. The majority of road users; travellers and natives, move around within the country on two-wheelers. By taking a motorcycle, you get to control the rate at which sceneries open up before your eyes. You travel at your own pace and reach the remotest corners where regular tourists only dream of attaining.

Spectacular moments
The journey on motorcycles or mountain bikes let you take in some of the most dramatic and remarkable locations and mountain ranges. Biking Vietnam gives you the chance to climb hills and mix things up with a few off-road trails. These tours let you traverse through some of the most traveller-scanty sites, and you will witness the fantastic livelihood of some of the ethnic tribes dwelling in the high areas. Cross valleys, gorges, and rivers during your journey and watch as history unrolls itself like a movie before your eyes. Earn yourself the reward of staying at one of the charming lodges after completion of the venture.
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