With limestone pillar high over the water and small islets with the jungle as toppings, Halong Bay is a heaven on Earth. It has been designated by authorities as to the World Heritage Site. The sea is scattered whole over with islets, speckled with grottoes that are eroded by rough sea waves and the heavy wind, sea kayaking Halong Bay is one of the best activities among the tourists. The location simply gives out ethereal beauty and is one of the leading tourist destinations in the whole of Vietnam.

Halong Bay is simply one of the best places for kayaking in Vietnam. Adventures will also get a lot of landscapes for Biking Vietnam. When you visit Halong Bay you should not miss kayaking. Sit in a tiny kayak, paddle in the blue water, and wriggle into the cave and touching the stalactites, what more you want. If you want to feel the beauty of Halong nature and discover some cliffs below the huge rolling waves or have a view of the birds, best is kayaking.

If you are recently planning for a Vietnam Tour, then you must include Kayaking in your programme even if your sole purpose is Bike trips in Vietnam. It is something you should not miss. If you don't know swimming and you are afraid of kayaking, then never worry. There are guides with specific instructions who will make your sailing very easy and attractive. Each tiny kayak will have two peoples and it will move according to the operator but when you will master the oars kayaking becomes very interesting for visiting fishing villages, know about the fisherman works on the sea or simply admire the islands of limestone at a very close distance.

When you visit Halong Bay while in Bike Tours in Vietnam you must take a kayak paddle very close to the rock feet to discover new things. You can just admire the beauty of the coral reefs, small fishes swimming and dancing in the water and several other scenarios.

So, even if you are planning for Bike Trips In Vietnam, you should never miss the kayaking adventure. It will offer you a whole new experience with memories to cherish afterwards. Vietnam has so many things to offer, so you should plan for a trip to this beautiful place in your next holiday plan!